
Quit Smoking

SMOKING: Give it Up Now or Lessen Your Life

90% of lung cancer occurs in those who have smoked. Each package delivers the equivalent of one chest x-ray.

The Real Deal about Smoking and WHY You Can Quit Easily Too!

Smoking cigarettes is NOT a natural or pleasurable thing to do. The body rejects it, ie: hack, cough, spit and did someone say, horrible taste? Your body tells you this is really bad stuff! However, I must have said a thousand times, "I enjoy smoking" or "that cigarette will taste good right after dinner", but that was because they (the Tobacco Industry) made me believe smoking cigarettes was a natural and pleasurable thing to do.

It was your mind that convinced your body to start smoking in the first place so you could look cool/be accepted/whatever reason your mind came up with, and it is only your mind that can convince your body to stop.

Here is something that has got to shock you - nicotine is not what you are mainly addicted to in cigarettes! The tobacco companies and even the government and health care industry would have you believe this is true but there is another ingredient in the highly guarded, patent protected list (imagine that, it's the public's health at stake and this is a trade secret!) among the 1000s of chemicals in each cigarette that really is the one responsible for your addiction - and - the terrible struggle for most people to quit. In our program we reveal this ingredient (it will amaze you!) and more importantly, we teach you how to control and easily counteract your addiction to this substance - a simple and painless thing to do.

While every other quit smoking program is focused on helping you fight off false cravings for nicotine, hundreds of thousands of people who are sincere about quitting are sadly spending millions of dollars buying up expensive pills, patches, inhalers, supplements and gums in a losing battle to save their own lives. Therefore, both the smoking and the quit-smoking (pharmaceutical) industries (did someone say among the largest government lobbies in the U.S.?) are raking in billions and billions!

The main reason people fail to quit (and why it took almost 40 years of smoking for me to learn this) is that from the time we were little children we have been lied to and literally programmed by the powerful tobacco and pharmaceutical industries as well as the media to believe that we are heavily addicted and cannot quit.

People will offer up some incredible reasons and excuses to carry on smoking - such as smoking helps you lose weight or makes you look older.

It helps me unwind
Cigarettes don't make you relax. Nicotine is a stimulant. It actually speeds up your bodily functions - especially your heart rate.
Smoking is sexy
Kissing someone with a mouth like an ashtray isn't sexy. Having smoke blown in your face isn't sexy. Lung cancer isn't sexy. However buying someone special a gift with the money you didn't spend on smoking is definitely sexy.
Smoking keeps me skinny
Cigarettes don't keep your body weight down and they can even cause cellulite. Some people replace cigarettes with food when they give up and may therefore put on a few pounds. But if you've managed to give up smoking, you'll be able to tackle any weight gain, without any problems.
It's just something I do with my mates
It's not like you didn't hang out with your mates before you started smoking. There are loads of things you can do with them without killing yourself. You can play football, go and see a film, listen to some tunes, start a band.
It makes me look mature
Yes, smoking does ruin your skin and teeth and give you wrinkles before your time but apart from that there's nothing mature about smelling like an ashtray and inhaling vast amounts of grim chemicals.
I can smoke if I want to
Smoking isn't about being independent. It's addictive, and being an addict makes you more dependent than independent.